
The sportsbook software we provide has been built from the ground up with support for UTF-8 languages. Unlike other platforms which use old technologies with a wider implementation curve, we are able to deploy new features with immediate localization capabilities into any language or locale.

Thanks to our unrivaled localization capabilities we were able to deploy the world’s first sports betting website with full support for Arabic and Persian languages without any additional expenses from the client. The platform supports UTF8 character sets which make these languages easy to add, as well as right-to-left and top-to-bottom writing style for exotic languages. We use data formats and database systems that are friendly for this type of content and we are able to deliver over 3.200.000 sports bets in any language of our choice.

Translations can be automated from 3rd party APIs and when higher quality is required, translators can manage the database using our integrated translation tool:

We also support custom locales – number formats, date formats, and all currencies worldwide.